Which After School Routine Matches Your Inner Side?
What’s your favorite snack after school?
A. Fruit smoothie
B. Homemade cookies
C. Popcorn
D. Chips
What’s your ideal place to spend the afternoon?
At a café or in the park with friends
In my room with all my art supplies
On the couch with a blanket and my favorite show
In front of the computer or console gaming
How do you prefer to spend your free time?
A. Hanging out with friends
B. Drawing or creating something
C. Relaxing with a good series
D. Playing video games
What’s your favorite drink?
Iced tea or frappé
Hot chocolate
Energy drink
Which social media do you use the most?
A. Instagram, for group photos
B. Pinterest, for artistic inspiration
C. Netflix, for binge-watching series
D. Twitch, to follow gamers
What activity do you like to do on weekends?
Going out with friends to explore the city
Attending art classes or creative workshops
Sleeping and watching shows all day
Participating in video game tournaments