Fake Friends Vs. True Friends Find Out Which Group You Are Really In
When your friends have good news, how do you react?
I share my joy sincerely
I show enthusiasm, but it seems to be difficult for me
I am indifferent or barely react
I'm not interested
When your friends share their worries with you, how do you respond?
I listen carefully and offer support
I pay attention, but I don't show much empathy
I appear indifferent or minimize their problems
I don't care what's happening
How do you handle criticism or challenges in friendship?
I speak openly and honestly about any problems
I defend myself or blame others
I ignore the problems and hope they go away
I don't care if there are conflicts
What do you do when you cancel plans with your friends?
I sincerely apologize and try to reschedule
I sincerely apologize and try to reschedule
I cancel frequently without giving reasons
I cancel without prior notice and I do not apologize
How do you behave when your friends need help?
I am always available and willing to help
I help them, but I expect something in return
I say I'll help them, but I never do
I ignore their requests for help
How often do you contact your friends to spend time together?
I regularly make plans to see each other
Sometimes I suggest doing something together
I rarely show interest in spending time together
I've never looked to spend time together