Which Superhero You'd Be If They Were In Minecraft?
What superpower would you rather have to protect Minecraft?
The ability to fly and be invulnerable
Agility and spider strength
A huge force to destroy everything
Super strength, laser vision, and the ability to fly
What would your superhero costume be like in Minecraft?
A sophisticated and modern high-tech suit
A red and blue outfit featuring the iconic spider
A green and muscular look
A blue and red suit that identifies me as the symbol of hope
What would be your main goal as a superhero in Minecraft?
Protect and defend the population from technological dangers
Fight villains and keep the peace in the streets
Face the most powerful enemies and defend the weakest
Save Minecraft from any threat and be a symbol of hope for all
What tool or weapon would you use to face enemies in Minecraft?
A powerful repulsor ray
A spider web to catch the wrongdoers
Your own fists and fury unleashed!
Laser vision and supernatural strength
If a friend was in trouble in Minecraft, how would you help them?
Flying quickly towards him in your suit
Swinging with your webs to get there quickly
Leaping across great distances to reach it
Flying at full speed and rescuing him in your arms
What would be your secret headquarters in Minecraft?
An impressive floating and technological base
A hidden place among the cobwebs
An underground shelter with heavy objects that only I could move.
A fortress in the sky, in a cave, or on a mountain
What quality do you think would make you a unique superhero in Minecraft?
Your intelligence and ability to invent devices
Your wit and sense of humor
Your incredible strength and endurance
Your noble heart and your devotion to protecting others
Which of these phrases best represents you as a possible superhero in Minecraft?
The future of Minecraft is in my hands, with technology and courage
I am the most agile and fun hero in Minecraft!
My unstoppable force will protect the inhabitants of Minecraft!
With my noble heart and my power, I will be the tireless defender of Minecraft